
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Better late than never to have any!

Have you already came up with your list of resolutions?
Well, if you have, oh you kiasu little thing!

Ok, I'm just slow.
Speaking of slow, there's so much that I have yet to blog about!
Christmas Partiessss!!

Ok, that can wait!
Let's do this first.

2013 Resolutions in just 5 mins,
simply because I don't wait it to be too "over".

1. To be financially-stable.

Most of you may not know but Bei & I worked very hard to be able to pay
for the wedding, photoshoot and are still working hard now for the honeymoon.
We paid those things ourselves, not taking any funding from the parents.

Bei worked longer hours, through the night at times.

I stopped buying luxury bags, which was sad but still okay.

By saying financially-stable, I do not mean being able to buy bags again.
It is just as simple as not having to worry if I can meet the bank's 
minimum $ required in the savings account, if not they will deduct $2 from the account.
WTF, hate this shit new regulations!

$2, I can eat one meal.

Ya, I am thrifty.
because the money in the bank account made me to be.

I do shop, of course.
To stop shopping totally is a whole new level I can never allow that!
Of course, I shop cheaply now.

No more hundreds, thousands.

I guess being poor, ok maybe not poor as in poor, just slightly below average 
is something that one wouldn't blog about.

But I really do believe and still believe and hope that I can continue to believe that,
money really isn't everything.

2. To make a baby

Yes, you read it. BABY. 
But I want a horse baby, not a snake baby.

3. To get CPA

For the longest time, already!

4. Save up money for the house that's coming next year.

My WALK-IN wardrobe,
I think of you everyday.

5. To be thankful, grateful for every single day with Bei, friends & family.
In short, curb that tigress temper.


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