
Monday, May 25, 2015

Arissa Honeybun 1st year old birthday bash

After what seems like forever,
here is the post on Arissa's 1st year old birthday! 

She is now, 19 months
and her little brother will be out in 1 month' time.

This is how amazing God is,
and how blessed we are.

cheer3 onion head

Her eyes on the birthday cake!

Our eyes on you, young lady!

My 1 and only picture with the 2nd love of my life serenade onion head

Wishing you good health and happiness, my Honeybun 

In the end, we let her 'trash' the whole cake.

Beautiful set up of Hello-Kitty candy bar
by SurprisingMyLove

clapping hello kitty emoticon

You can check them out at:

Customized Kit-Kats

Yummy éclairs!

Kids went crazy with the honeystars!

blushing hello kitty emoticon Birthday cake was done by Bei,
took 1 day 1 night to complete!

That explains why Bei looks so tired in the pictures.

I told him for the next birthday or next kid,
we are so gonna order the cake instead and he agreed.

But now, he is saying for his son,
he wants to make his 1st birthday cake too!

Cake pops were done by Bei too.

You can't imagine how many trips we made to different baking stores.

Miniature red velvet cupcakes

Photo booth was by:

Everyone loves the photo booth!

erm, face was itchy -.-

All balloons decorations were from:

If you have any questions about the party,
you can email me at lovjinjin@gmail.com

I'm off to plan for baby boy's full month party now~
lol, my life revolves around kids parties.