
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Buying a phone

In a blink of time, 
2 years had passed.

I've been contemplating the change of phone,
I am so ancient that I can use the same phone for another 2 years,

But Bei insisted that I get a new phone,
so that he can have my old one.

His is much newer than mine,
but damaged.

his mom's been asking me to change to S4.

His whole family's using S3.

But I've always been an iphone user,
and changing that is kind of hard.

Not until,
everyone around me started to use S4.


that won me over!

Imagine the nice photos I can take of my soon-to-come baby,
not that I have no camera,
but uploading clear pretty photos on blog & instagram is WOW.

Goodbye, Iphone.

I've just placed order for S4,
waiting to get my hands on it
and start downloading all the cutesy theme app.


Saturday, July 27, 2013

last day of class so i'm blogging! :)

I'm sorry, again.
for missing and not updating as often as I should have.

This is what pregnancy does to one.

while others attend pre-natal courses,
I attended the PAC (pre-admission course) to be a CA (chartered accountant).

Don't close this window the moment you see the word accounts!
HEY, come back!

let me finish my ramblings
wait onion head

Anyway, today is the last day of the course
and I took the exam!

Oh God, please let me pass! 
please please please!

I'm so glad it is over,
you know, it is really not pleasant being preggie and attending classes.

I feel so out of place,
there's another preggie lady in class though.

In the past, 
when I see preggies attending class,
I always feel so sorry for them for having to carry a baby and yet have to sit thru hours of class.

I'm one of them.

When I go to the washroom,
people let me cut their Q.

the women are so kind
and I feel kind of embarrassed cos I'm er.. younger than them.

I'm so happy to say that I have finally completed shopping for baby's clothes!

I have bought/ordered clothes up to 12 months,
Bei's gonna freak out but a girl needs to have clothes!

serenade onion head

Monday, July 15, 2013

Friday blues

I've long completed my acca papers,
and when I'm finally done with procrastination, 
I went to apply for membership so that I can continue the journey to be a CPA.

I became pregnant.

So, that doesn't keep me going,
cos I thought once the kid pops,
I probably have no energy nor time to study.

I went ahead and booked for the 5 day course,
which I was initially looking forward to,
since I haven't touched any books for the longest time.

it's nearing (this friday) and I'm dreading it.

I think I may have over-estimated my energy level.

All I wanna do everyday now is ZzZZzzZZz.
It is very tiring to be pregnant.

please let me pass, please let me pass, please let me pass.

I'm kind of panicking as well,
cos every mummy to be is attending months of courses 
of how to take care of baby,
how to breastfeed,
etc etc etc.


I never even intended to attend such classes.

I am so so dead.

Saturday, July 06, 2013

nobody eats my food

Yesterday night,
I went to pee before Zzzz.

So, while walking to the toilet,
I kicked something.

I thought I stepped on a lizard or something 
(since I have the history of stepping lizard to death - bare feet).

So, I turned and looked for a lizard.

To my horror,
a cockroach was flipping and scrambling away.

crying3 onion head


I peed, washed my feet and RUN BACK TO THE ROOM.

THE END (not quite though)

This morning,
I woke up early and was kind of hungry.

So, I reached into my bag for my cheese bread
(which I was saving and tried not to eat the day before at work).


lol2 onion head
MY FOOD!!!!!

I was so scared I threw the bread on the floor.

The cockroach ran,
I panicked and wanted to shout for help from the maid.

But I reckoned that by the time she comes to my rescue, 
the cockroach would have already flee.


I don't know what came over me 
and I became so gutsy.

I took up my bedroom slipper and slapped it.


pretty onion head

I ran out of the room and called for help.

I even asked the maid to clean my room 
and wash my bedroom slippers.


So, morale of the story is
"nobody eats my food".

pointing onion head