
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I am lazy, I know.

Good morning! Having a baby makes me have a better lifestyle, been waking up early...but sleeping later? Ok maybe not a healthy lifestyle afterall. 

Honeybun will be sleeping with Bei and me tonight and tomorrow. Why do I feel I'm gonna look like a zombie for cny? 

CARROT CAKE! That's Bei's brekkie but he eat until scared le so it's MY BREKKIE HO HO HO!

My brekkie was bean curd so it became my tea break instead. Ate alot today 
All fat fat one! Carrot cake, fried rice with a sunny side up, bean curd, agar agar (jelly).

What's for dinner? Hmm I mean supper? Seriously is there a term for dinner cum supper? There's a term for brekkie cum lunch so there should be one for dinner cum supper right?

Honeybun's sleeping now, finally after singing 30mins or was it 45 mins of bla bla black sheeps. 

Seems like it's getting tougher to get honeybun to zzz ever since she started zzz in the yao lan. Sighs. Her tinylove bed is getting too small for her. I'm so tempted to get her a mini cot but I know it will be a waste of money cos we already have a huge cot but it's too huge for our miserable small room. It can fit but there will be zero walking space.

Honeybun, u tahan a few more months k, we will have our own place and your own room will be able to accommodate your cot and possibly all the toys too. Oh and wardrobe. Damn I need a walk in wardrobe for her. Wondering if it's possible to have a combined walk in wardrobe for me, Bei and honeybun.

But I'm so anal, I dun want people to snoop through my stuffs esp my bags when picking out baby clothes. If I have a maid, she will be able to see all my treasures when she picks baby clothes, right? I have so many things I think I have at least 80 shoes, 10 pairs at Bei's place and remaining 70 pairs at my house. They have been waiting for me to bring them along to the new house. Sighs dunoo still can wear ma, been so long since I touched them.

And my bags, I wonder if they turned mouldy?  I think the one bag that is really worth my money is my lv speedy which I've used to death, literally! I need a bigger house (stares at Bei who is smiling at his pc, that man keeps on gaming, shakes head).

Big house or small house doesn't matter as long as we stick together as a family, must have love of course la!

Still no regrets choosing love over bread. I could have an easy life but I chose love knowing that it may get tough (Thank goodness not too tough yet, PRAISE THE LORD!).

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