
Tuesday, January 07, 2014


I've just downloaded a photography app on my mobile and been editing baby's photos. 
Tsk tsk, I really ought to be zzz while my baby zzz instead of wasting my time on my mobile. 

beg onion head

This baby of mine certainly makes a lot of noises while sleeping (takes after the dad). 
She could be stretching loudly, whining, singing and gagging in her sleep. 
Sometimes it's really impossible to sleep while she sleeps 
cos I'm so paranoid, what if she vomits and chokes? 

freezing onion head

Sighs, I better go sleep now cos it's night time 
which means it's Bei's shift of taking care of baby 

happy onion head

I can't wait for my mother in law to be back from the States to save us. 
I'm seriously considering finding a maid who is well, qualified to take care of babies. 
I mean she wouldn't be the sole caretaker of my baby 
but at least when both Bei and I are working and when my mil is not free, 
at least the maid can help out. 

If not, who is gonna take care of my honeybun?

I seriously need to earn more money. 
Hospital bills and a new house on the way. 
Don't know to be happy or sad that the house is coming so soon, 
our bank accounts are definitely not happy.

hell yes onion head

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