
Wednesday, March 06, 2013


I'm so wrapped up with work and company's event,
I couldn't even have the time for lunch
and right now,
I'm actually checking work emails,
which is against my philosophy of "no bring work home".

And the worse part is,
it's month end closing and due to company event,
the closing deadlines are shortened by a day,
which is very significant to me
and I have yet to do any shit for month end closing.

I don't even know if you know what I'm saying,
but if you are doing accounting,
you probably would do.

Me is tired and needed to rant.

ok bye,
tomorrow another long day and lunch meeting.

I wanna go back to Maldives,

Speaking of Maldives,
sorry, please wait for my updates!
Me need to work for now. 


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