
Thursday, February 14, 2013


How have your CNY been?

I hoped you have collected many ang baos (if you are single, duh).
There's probably not many years left before you are the one giving them out.

For those married ones, I hope you managed to siam (get away) 
from those kids or teenagers or 
unmarried adults (those older than you and still put out your hand for ang pow, shame shame!).

Anyway, here's the ang baos Bei had given out 
(I just sit one corner and shake leg, lol).

Most of the ang pow paper are given from colleague (so naise, gave me so many!)
and Bro-in-law (panda so cute!).

The HUGE snake ang pow paper,
which I was told is actually the standard size in China.

Panda is in trend now, lol.

Old school POSB ang pow paper,
left over from the wedding.

I think I had thousands of these,
Bei used it to bao the bridesmaids ang pow.

Not cute, but the cut out there makes it worthy to use.


There you see,
the hard earned money!

SOB :(

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