
Saturday, November 26, 2005

aPologiEs for my not so undertanding attitude
apologies for my not so polite attitude
apoLogies for my abruptness
apologies for my arrogant self which i often show
apologies for lookin down/underestimating someone/something,etc
apologieS for quick judgin one from the stories of others
apologies for the lack of vocabulary that makes ppl think otherwise than the point im driving at
apologies for the at times flicker minded, wishy-washy mind
apologies for my frankness
apologies for my obsession with branded stuffs
apologies for my obsession with hello kitty (it will b over soon ,i tink, wen i find new things to b crazy over)
apologises for my lack of concern wen u needed one
apologies for not being ther wen u needed someone
apologies for the turn down of dates
apologies for the most of the times unreasonable me
apologies for the selfishness in me
apologies for the rude comments/criticisms i made
apologises for the pain ive caused
apologies for being so IMPERFECT

LASTLY, THANKS all for being SO understanding..

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