
Saturday, September 27, 2014

If I'm obsessed with anything, it has to be my baby.


Oh, not really actually,
but I have zillions of unposted pictures which I need to save 
since I have plans of switching over to Iphone 6!

Sundays are Cousins' Day.

She's usually not this demure.
embarrassed4 onion head

Finally bought her a new car seat! 

It was a steal man! 

good job onion head

SGD 70 only!
The original price was SGD 250+.

Had to chiong to expo fair like kiasu parents,
thank goodness the fair wasn't crowded at all, heh!

She's currently obsessed with yanking and eating my hair 
bird onion head

I've never seen a baby eats as messy as her, really.

This is the after clean-up, biscuit treat after porridge.

During porridge feeding, the porridge will be all over her hair, chair, 
face and sometimes, the floor.

This is what online shopping does to a mother. hehe onion head

Yes, can I help you? admire2 onion head

Trying on the minion costume her godmother bought for her!

Oh ya, finally a picture of yours truly.

Moved to the new office premises and there's a full length mirror!
admire onion head

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