
Saturday, March 26, 2011


I'm too lazy to have it all "words"

So, here's some treats to the eyes! :)
Some of my fav. pictures!

The snow was really bad, and we had to take the EUROSTAR (some what like a bullet train) to PARIS..
The train service was cancelled for the past few days and was only resumed on that very day that we are going to travel...

So, as typical singaporeans, we went there early, our train was scheduled at 9:00am,
we reached there at a good 8:00am!!!

FREAKING LONG QUEUE already! who says that only Singaporeans are Kiasu?

Was freaking cold and hungry, didn't had breakfast as we had to work up early, take bus, take train, walk a crazy amount of places to get to the train station..

As you can see, it's all outdoor pictures! Cos the Q was so long, it extended out of the building, across the street, across the traffic lights, down a few buildings

Yes, you go imagine!

See the Q below!! the Q from my BACK!

the Q in front of me!

 I wish i went to this building, they said it's the old train station..
So damn chio!!!!!!!! like castle!

Look at me, checking how much coffee i am left!
Gina left us to get us hot piping Starbucks! :D

Finished our coffee, and stomach growling, so bei went opposite to get us BurgerKing's!! :D

Love the burger! BEST when u r freezing from your fingertips to toes!!

After the meal and Q until the food digested already, I was feeling so cold and couldn't feel my toes!

Had to run in the nearest subway station and i just sat on the stairs, remove my boots, my 2 layers of socks and stick on the feet heat pack!

Cant believe i just take off my shoes and socks in an overly crowded place!

When u cant feel your toes, u really doesn't have the time to worry about your image!
HELLO, toes come first!

See, they have great SALVATION ARMY giving free coffee and tea,
which i couldn't hold back the urge and helped myself to it too.


 We finally make it INTO the station at a holy time 11:51 am!!!

Been in the COLD for FEW hours!! ARGH!!!

 And if u think we are done with Q-ing, you got to be kidding!!

This is indoor Q-ing now! But not so cold, so it's ok! :D

more the next time round! SLEEP!

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