It was sort of impromptu...
a random decision
full of excitement
on a journey of feasting!
we arranged to meet up at 8am
it's freaking early,
totally impossible for me to wake up!
Jamie gave me 13 missed calls,
then she gave up and called my home phone instead!
SMART choice!
cos Mummy woke up,
and then woke me up...
thank god that bei sent me all the way to Woodlands! :)
by the time we ate our breakies and all,
it was pretty late already!
2 cars,
8 people...
very poor thing!
have to drive and drive!
our boutique hotel!
the owner's a Singaporean, i heard!
i wanna have such a sofa in my house
when i get married!!!!!!
She is dammmmmm ZAI!!!!!
drive and cut lane and turn and swirl like nobody's business!!!
superrrrr daring and ai zai!!!!